Join us at our Future of Nonfiction Video Un-Conference! ✨

VC Event

Interviewing the Incarcerated with Lucy Kreutz

Join our workshop with speaker Louisiana Kreutz as she shares her invaluable insights on interviewing and filming incarcerated subjects.

Whether you’re a filmmaker with plans to tell a story about a correctional facility, document an inmate, or more broadly, someone interested in learning techniques to interview around sensitive subjects, this conversation will shed light on how to bring out the best story in more challenging spaces.

Featured speaker Louisiana “Lucy” Kreutz will share her past experiences in these environments and provide insights as to how she approaches the interview and gains the access she needs for the most compelling story.

Louisiana "Lucy" Kreutz is an award-winning director and producer of documentary films and television series. She has produced non-fiction television for NBC, National Geographic, A&E, TLC, Animal Planet, MTV, Discovery, and Netflix. Most recently, she directed on the latest season of NBC’s Emmy-winning docu-series, Who Do You Think You Are. In all of her work, Louisiana uses an earnest but humorous approach to tell compelling and unconventional stories.

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