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Festival Alert: May '23

Festivals on the nonfiction horizon, open for you to submit to!

Video Consortium

The Video Consortium May 16th, 2023
Festival Alert: May '23

VCers, we want to see your work make it out into the world. Just for you, a monthly list of some impactful film festivals open (and opening) to submission.

  • Don’t miss the deadline for the Tokyo International Film Festival, one of the best Japanese and international film platforms in Asia. 🗼 Deadline is May 21st, 2023.

  • Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival is now open for submissions! ⭐️ VC Essential members get 20% off and VC GOLD members get 50% off submissions; head to Member Resources to get your code! 📢 Late Deadline: June. 1st 2023

  • FIDBA, the first International Documentary Film Festival in Argentina, is open for submission. Submit to include your work in the 10th International Documentary Film Festival of Buenos Aires. Final deadline: June 30th 2023.

  • International Ethnographic Festival OKO is a multicultural event where filmmakers, folklorists, anthropologists, and ethnographers will be able to better understand each other, share ideas, and agree on future cooperation. Submit your Ukrainian and International documentaries. Deadline: July 3rd, 2023

  • If alternative Australian films is your latest films’ niche then head on over to Sydney Underground Film Festival and get your film submitted. 🇦🇺 Deadline: July 3rd, 2023

✌️ Want to share your film with the rest of the VC community? Send an email or submit here to screen at an upcoming local gathering or get featured in Field Notes or on social.

The Video Consortium, by and for documentary filmmakers and visual journalists, is rapidly expanding across the globe. Follow along on social, sign up for our newsletter, attend upcoming events — events are FREE for VC Gold members! — and find collaborators near you. Meanwhile, drop the team a line if you're interested in bringing VC to your own community or if you have ideas for new workshops, initiatives, or the like.
As a 501(c)3-registered nonprofit, VC depends on your generosity and support to keep our programs running; support the future of nonfiction video with your tax deductible donation today. ❤️

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