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VC Events

Host a Pop-up Gathering

Host a VC gathering to foster community among nonfiction visual storytellers, and we'll help!

Ever wanted to attend a VC gathering but don’t live in a city where we have an active local team? Ever wanted to connect with other like-minded media professionals in your locale but don’t know where to meet them? The Video Consortium's got a solution for you!

We're thrilled to extend an invitation to professional filmmakers and visual journalists, documentary patrons, and aligned companies to bring filmmakers and visual journalists in your area together by hosting a local gathering, supported by the Video Consortium.

This local gathering can take any form you think is right for your community — from a low-key event that allows professionals to meet each other to an organized screening, from a workshop for critiquing rough cuts to a simple "house chat" that brings filmmakers to together to discuss shared experiences.

It can be in your favorite movie theater, a popular bar, or your living room. What ties this range of possibilities together is the ability to build up your local network, facilitate collaborations, and create useful, inspiring connections for media folks around the globe.

If you’re interested in organizing a pop-up, and would like to learn more about the infrastructure and resources the Video Consortium provides to put these on, please contact our team.