James Hall

Principal, Onyx & Ash, Inc
Grass Valley, CA US
Is Hiring
Open To Mentoring
Open To Virtual Coffee
I'm a documentary filmmaker that focuses on inspirational, authentic character-driven stories of passionate people and organizations. I primarily focus on working with nonprofits on environmental, cultural, health and societal issues.


James is a Bay Area-based documentary director and cinematographer specializing in vérité-style shooting with a passion for under-reported stories and people doing inspiring work outside of the spotlight. He strives to create emotional, authentic, character-driven films. James has worked for a variety of institutions over the last two decades including National Geographic, Al Jazeera English, TIME Magazine, VICE Media, and others. In January of 2012, James cofounded Blackbeard Films with writer and producer, Jason Motlagh, where we specialized in immersive in-depth investigative stories from around the world, ranging from illegal poaching of endangered rosewood trees by Cambodian militias in the Thai jungle ("Bloodwood" for National Geographic) to a successful, unorthodox mentorship program for youth engaged in community violence in Richmond, CA ("Targeting the Shooters" for Al Jazeera America). In 2015, James founded Onyx & Ash, a production company focused on telling the stories of primarily nonprofit organizations and other mission-driven organizations and individuals making a positive change in the world. Onyx & Ash has worked with national and international organizations including The Innocence Project, Outward Bound, Refugee Women's Alliance, Transgender Law Center, Disability Rights Advocates, California Association of Food Banks, and others.