Gopi Jay

Filmmaker / Director, Good Karma Pictures
Alexandria, Virginia US
Open To Mentoring
Open To Virtual Coffee
Doc Filmmaker working on my Indie Feature: Landspiracy


Gopi grew up in Tamil Nadu, a southern state in India and later moved to the U.S. to pursue his higher education and career in Engineering. He currently resides in Washington D.C., with his wife Vybhavi, an Economist. Gopi is an avid movie watcher, with a particular interest in documentaries focusing on current issues across the world. He has worked on numerous short films and dabbled with documentary filmmaking. Living in Washington D.C., the heart of policy making and advocacy, and traveling to countries of different socioeconomic backgrounds gives Gopi a unique vantage point on identifying trends that connect the world. His firsthand experience with the issues combined with a deep desire to educate the viewers led him to start working as a documentary filmmaker.