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Nikita Mandhani

Senior Producer/Journalist/Editor
New Delhi, Delhi IN
Available for Full Time
Available for Freelance
Open To Mentoring
Open To Virtual Coffee
A journalist and filmmaker who works at the intersection of digital video, audience engagement and social media


Nikita Mandhani is a freelance journalist and filmmaker based in New Delhi, India. Until recently, she was a senior video producer at the BBC and she led the organisation's news and feature video coverage from India. She is also the writer of the Video Consortium's In Sync column that focused on innovation in non-fiction video. Nikita worked for about seven years at the BBC at the intersection of digital video, audience engagement and social media. Previously, she was a video producer with the Emerging News Products team at the Washington Post in Washington D.C. She has reported from the United States, East Africa, Europe, and South and South East Asia.

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