Yoni Arava

Head of Vendor Services, Hayden5
New York, New York US
Hayden5’s Head of Vendor Services, overseeing all recruitment and retention of the vendors who collaborate daily with the company's production and post departments.


Yoni serves as Hayden5’s Head of Vendor Services, overseeing all recruitment and retention of the vendors who collaborate daily with the company's production and post departments. He is a production specialist and expert, and works to ensure the company's standard of excellence is met across all of its locally deployed and curated crews. Yoni has worked at Hayden5 for over a decade, cultivating experience serving as a producer for thousands of diversified shoots, recruiting durable vendor talent, and optimizing the company’s use of technology. He was instrumental in developing and driving Hayden5’s initial use of Drop Kits™, and the resulting remote production workflows the broader industry adopted during the onset of the global pandemic.