Andy Marinkovich

Director of Photogarphy, Just Jump Films
Omaha, NE US
Open To Virtual Coffee
Always curious with a camera in hand, my craft extends beyond technical excellence; it's a testament to my ability to forge genuine connections with my subjects. I started capturing stills which flowed into motion and I'm a sucker for any story.


Transforming his international business and German major into a career behind the camera was an unexpected journey. Andy always thought his dream was to travel the globe making big deals in the business world, everything changed when he picked up a camera and shared images that gave voice to marginalized groups. The tools of this work change frequently, and while he had the privilege of learning how to roll his own film, develop prints in the darkroom, and appreciate the time it takes in the world of traditional film, the only way to stay on top of this evolving work is to be fully immersed. Now into his third decade behind the camera the tools continue to change, but the emotion he strives to capture and evoke remains consistent.