Daniel Plyam

News Producer
New York, New York US
Available for Full Time
Available for Freelance
Open To Mentoring
Open To Virtual Coffee
Emmy Winning News Producer


Daniel landed his first job running and developing a YouTube channel for a small Wall Street company, before transitioning to production assistant work on film and TV sets. From there he moved over to news documentary production, working at Vice News, and becoming a Producer on their Longform News team. At Vice, he produced both international and national stories ranging from how Vladimir Putin stays in power, to a government-sanctioned massacre in Nigeria. Helping teams get into the Central African Republic and helping others smuggle footage out of China. The projects aired on HBO, Hulu, Showtime, and the ViceLand TV network. In 2022 Daniel won the Emmy for Outstanding Continuing News Coverage, and his last project won 2023s George Polk Award for Television Reporting. He has also written seven feature-length screenplays since graduating, two of which reached the semi-finals of the Academy Awards Nichols fellowship and Austin Film Festival. Currently, he is in the pre-production phase for his latest script and aims to direct it later this year.