Rough Cut Podcast is back, and VCMX's Nun & Duss grant is open!

Alex Albers

Freelance Editor, VC Organizer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania US
Available for Freelance
Open To Mentoring
Open To Virtual Coffee


Alex Albers is an experienced documentary editor whose work has premiered on PBS, Fox Sports, Netflix, Amazon Prime as well as film festivals across the country and around the world. She has collaborated on a variety of documentary projects including the 10-part Netflix crime series MAKING A MURDERER: Season 1 (2015), Emmy-nominated, Q BALL (2019), and the Emmy-winning Netflix film, FIRE IN PARADISE (2019). She cut the award winning film WOMEN'S MARCH (2017) a documentary about the 2017 Women's March, as well as the the currently unreleased (due to COVID) short documentary titled BEAKMAN & JOK, about the treasured San Francisco artist-activist, Jok Church, who's cartoons inspired the 90's hit children's television show BEAKMAN'S WORLD. In addition to longer form documentary work, Alex specializes in short form video content, specifically short documentary, promotional videos, event highlight reels, and music videos. She is an alumni of Sarah Lawrence College, where in 2008 she received her BA in Liberal Arts with an area of focus in film production.

Featured Work

America’s War Over Wolves | UN/DIVIDED

Warning: Graphic Images Wolf advocates believe that wolves have a right to live and roam on the land. Ranchers struggle with the danger they present to their livestock and livelihoods. There is often a tense stand-off between the two sides. Karin Vardaman is an advocate for protection of wolves in the wild. In her field, cattle ranchers are considered the “enemy.” To her knowledge, she is the ONLY person working towards the protection of wild wolves by working WITH cattle ranchers. She has pioneered long-term strategies for protecting cattle from wolves and thereby wolves from cattle ranchers — strategies that also show ranchers respect and an understanding of their bottom line. Don Gittleson was skeptical at first. As a lifelong rancher, he was more comfortable taking care of wolves on his own — with his rifle — but that solution is illegal. After the local wolf pack began targeting his herd, he reached out to Vardaman for help. Together, they have been learning what works and what doesn’t to deter this particular local pack while modeling extraordinary synergy between two worlds that are usually at odds with each other.

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Women's History + McDonogh 19, New Orleans, LA | Benjamin Moore

On November 14, 1960, Leona Tate, Tessie Prevost, and Gail Etienne climbed the 18 steps to enter McDonogh 19 Elementary, officially desegregating the school and sending ripple effects through a still-segregated South. Recognizing the role she played in history and in an effort to reenergize the lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, LA, Leona Tate and the Leona Tate Foundation for Change, Inc. transformed this building from an elementary school to a racial justice center, interpretive space, and senior housing. See how support from Benjamin Moore helped turned a vision into reality.

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