Cassandra Herrman

Oakland, California US


Cassandra Herrman is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and journalist who is drawn to stories about the criminal justice system, as well as those that disrupt mainstream media representations. Her independent documentary in post-production, When I Say Africa, turns a lens on the white savior representations that cast a continent as a victim. Her recent immersive storytelling work includes What They Carried, an augmented reality experience on the confiscated personal belongings of migrants crossing the US/Mexico border, winner of the Online News Association award for Excellence and Innovation in Visual Digital Storytelling; and After Solitary, a collaboration between Emblematic Group and FRONTLINE, honored with the Jury Award for Room Scale VR at SXSW as well as ONA’s Excellence in Immersive Storytelling Award. Cassandra is a lecturer in visual storytelling at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, where she received her master's degree.