Join VC

Membership Application

Join our growing community of over 5,000 active members! The membership application process will take about 10 minutes to complete, and billing won’t start until after your membership is approved.

Step 1 of 3:

Personal Info

Display Profile Information Publicly

If turned off, your profile will be hidden from the directory, only be accessible via direct link, and only your name and photo will be visible.

Recommended image dimensions: at least 600px x 600px (square crop). File size limit: 5 MB.


Note: We only collect City, State / Province / Region, Zip / Postal Code, and Country from the following fields.

If applicable. If freelance, skip — or add your own company.

A short description of who you are and what you do. This appears at the top of your profile; think of it as the logline of you.

255 characters left

Please write in the third person! This short bio is displayed on your personal profile.


Select up to 10.


Are you on staff and/or regularly contract with a newsroom? Checking this will give you access to Newsroom Collective.

Tell us a bit more about why you're interested in the Newsroom Collective. Are you a journalist looking to transition or learn more about video production?


Are you a Student?

Available For Hire

I’m open and available for a job or freelance work.


My company is currently hiring.

Open To Virtual Coffee

Are you open to getting a virtual coffee with someone?

Featured Work

Displayed only on Gold Member profiles.

 = required

Step 1 of 3:

Enhance Your Profile

This additional information will help other members and projects connect with you, and vice versa. It will be visible only to other logged-in VC members.

Awards / Certificates
Spoken Languages

Select as many as you speak.

Show Gender On Profile
Which gender group(s) do you most closely identify with?

For data filtering and reporting purposes.

Show Race/Ethnicity On Profile
Which population group(s) do you most closely identify with?

For data filtering and reporting purposes.

 = required

Step 1 of 3:

Finalize Your Account

This will be your username.

Display Email On Profile Page

Would you like to display your email to other members?

A strong password is at least 12 characters with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

20 characters left

This is your personal URL — share it! Lower case letters, numbers, and hyphens only (e.g. my-name — this results in the following URL:

This is really helpful as we keep track of our community's growth. Please let us know!

To verify that you are 18 years of age or older. This information will NOT show on your profile.

In case we need to contact you regarding your membership. This information will NOT show on your profile.

If you are applying as part of a group membership, contact your group administrator for your group code to enter here.

 = required