Frances Henderson

Feature Documentary Editor + Director
Brooklyn, New York US
Open To Mentoring
Open To Virtual Coffee
I once considered pursuing a life in some kind of ministry, but I couldn't find a religion that appealed, so I became a filmmaker instead.


L. Frances Henderson was named one of Filmmaker Magazine’s “25 New Faces of Independent Film” after finishing her documentary LESSONS FOR THE LIVING—about sitting bedside with the dying. She edited the ITVS supported documentary film FOR AHKEEM which had its world premiere at the 2017 Berlinale and U.S. premiere at Tribeca Film Festival. Her recent film, THIS MUCH WE KNOW (formerly titled ABOUT A MOUNTAIN), has been awarded a Cinereach and Jerome grant and was presented at IFP Film Market, Sheffield Meet Market, and the Champs-Elysee Film Festival US In Progress Market. The film premiered at Camden International Film Festival and went on to screen at DocNYC, Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, and RiverRun Film Festival and is being distributed by Oscilloscope. In 2021, she completed editing the documentary feature LIGHT DARKNESS LIGHT, directed by Landon Van Soest and produced by The Documentary Group. She also edited the short film SHUT UP AND PAINT, directed by Titus Kaphar and Alex Mallis and produced by DCTV, which was shortlisted for the 2023 Oscars®. Currently, she is editing a feature called CHEWED GUM, directed by Alana Maiello, about the high rates of sexual assault in Utah and rape myths that run rampant within the Mormon Church—the predominant religion of the state. A DocNYC 40-under-40 honoree, Frances has been a member of the Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective for more than fifteen years.