Rough Cut Podcast is back, and VCMX's Nun & Duss grant is open!

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Local Hubs

VC's global network is on the ground. Connect, collaborate, and find your people in person.

Year-round, VC's talented community organizers run our Local Hubs and plan in-person gatherings around the globe. Check out upcoming gatherings here. Don't have a hub in your city? Talk to us about starting a local hub or hosting a pop-up to bring creatives together in your backyard.


VC Atlanta meets monthly to plan gatherings, workshops, and Video Labs, where documentary shorts, feature excerpts, and works-in-progress from members are screened for feedback.

Our goal is to uplift nonfiction media makers and bring together every voice working in Atlanta's nonfiction film and video landscape — and to provide resources, feedback, and support to ATL's growing community of visual storytellers.


VC Baltimore brings together documentary filmmakers and video journalists from one of the most vibrant underground art scenes in the country. Through screenings, workshops and social gatherings, our chapter hopes to connect filmmakers and journalists, and give support to the thriving and growing nonfiction art scene in the city that gave us Jon Waters and Barry Levinson.

Bay Area

Our Bay Area filmmakers unite regularly to celebrate the community’s top nonfiction work. The team came to life in July of 2017, when we saw the region’s need for a network like VC! The rest is history. Come out and hang, or just send us a message to say hi.


VC Berlin, freshly founded in the spring of 2024, provides resources and support to the city’s blooming scene of non-fiction filmmakers. We will organize a couple of events every year, and curate thoughtful industry panels, workshops, and masterclasses. Our goal is to act as a bridge between local and immigrant documentary filmmakers, and the broader German and international film industry.


VC Berlin wurde im FrĂŒhjahr 2024 gegrĂŒndet, wir bieten Ressourcen und UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr die aktive Szene der Non-Fiction-Filmemacher*innen in der Stadt. Wir organisieren in regelmĂ€ĂŸigen AbstĂ€nden Veranstaltungen und ausgewĂ€hlte Panels, Workshops und Masterclasses.

Unser Ziel ist es, die lokale und Eingewanderten-Community der Dokumentarfilmemacher*innen zusammenzubringen – und eine BrĂŒcke zwischen der deutschen und internationalen Filmindustrie zu schlagen.


VC Doha celebrates non-fiction storytellers and journalists from diverse backgrounds who continue to thrive in a city that is rapidly becoming a key player in the global creative landscape. The Organizers of the Doha team are committed to making VC Doha a positive force for the broadcasting and media industry in Qatar, promoting a supportive and inclusive environment for all. Through screenings, workshops, and social gatherings, our Hub connects media professionals who aim to support the flourishing nonfiction art scene in Doha and to position VC Doha at the forefront of storytelling and media innovation in the MENA region.


At the Video Consortium’s London chapter, we celebrate non-fiction storytellers from a vast diversity of backgrounds who are determined to thrive in this international creative hub from all over the world. We build a welcoming community for the more experienced and new entrants alike, by creating in-person and virtual hangouts, and cross-border collaborations. The directors of the London chapter are a socially conscious bunch and are passionate about making VC London a positive force in the broadcasting and media industry in the UK.

Los Angeles

We've been gathering at production houses, small theaters, and backyards around East and West LA since April, 2016. We screen shorts, feature excerpts, and works-in-progress—a variety of pieces that speak to the variety of nonfiction work that our members are actively creating. Follow us on Instagram to hear about upcoming gatherings and workshops!

Mexico City

Video Consortium Ciudad de México se inició en el verano de 2020. Desde entonces, nuestro equipo ha organizado eventos que permiten a la comunidad documentalista mexicana conectarse y fortalecerse. A través de proyecciones, talleres, laboratorios y nuestra Beca VCMX Nun & Duss, buscamos impulsar nuevos talentos y proporcionar herramientas para la consolidación de proyectos documentales. La Ciudad de México tiene una rica tradición en el cine documental y es un espacio crucial para el periodismo en América Latina.

Si estĂĄs interesadx en participar, por favor mĂĄndanos un mensaje. ÂĄNos encantarĂĄ conocerte!


Welcome to VC Miami! Launching in February 2024, we're here to unite Miami's documentarians, journalists, and visual storytellers. Join us for industry gatherings, screenings, and workshops that support Miami's vibrant and growing visual storytelling community. We strive to be the go-to resource for Miami's visual storytelling community.

Let's collaborate! Whether showcasing non-fiction films or hosting events, we're open to your ideas. Reach out to the Local Team Organizers if you'd like to get involved or to just say hello.

Join the VC Miami community today!

New Delhi

VC New Delhi seeks to help build a strong, diverse, and inclusive platform that facilitates artistic exchange and collaboration between non-fiction storytellers in India and the rest of the world. The need for a community that unites non-fiction storytellers, filmmakers, and journalists from the world's largest democracy has only risen as we live through a global pandemic, widespread social injustice, and unprecedented political unrest. Let us know if you would like to join our efforts or just say hello!

New York

Our New York chapter is the Video Consortium's home—and where it first came to life on one cold wintery evening in 2015, at the back of an East Village bar, amongst a handful of nonfiction video-creating friends. Today, New York is still VC's headquarters, and as our community continues to flourish, our VCNY gatherings are always-sold-out, spectacularly inspiring celebrations of the brilliant work of our members. Join the party!

Features, shorts, and series excerpts that are screened at VCNY’s monthly gatherings are curated by a rotating triplet of VC members. See below for this quarter’s team. If you have suggestions for VC Selects or would like to nominate a member for a future quarter, please do let us know.

In addition to monthly gatherings, VCNY offers specialized panels/workshops and VideoLab, our quarterly works-in-progress critique and screening series.


The Philadelphia chapter started virtually in 2021 due to COVID, but has now transitioned into monthly in-person meetings. We meet for happy hour events around the city, and are planning on expanding into screenings, workshops, and more.

We are focusing on bringing local non-fiction filmmakers together for community, resources, and job opportunities, and are striving to build a chapter that reflects the Philadelphia film community as a whole. All filmmakers are welcome — BIPOC, LGBTQ+, folks with disabilities, and women are encouraged to apply.


VC Pittsburgh represents non-fiction video storytellers based in the Rust Belt and Appalachian heartlands. Situated at the crossroads of the Midwest, Northeast, and South, Pittsburgh has always been a vital location that bridges different American cultures and economies.

Our mission is to address issues like news deserts, freelancer advocacy and equitable representation in the non-fiction film industry. We hold quarterly screenings of recent work, workshops and networking events. If you’d like to get involved, or attend a future gathering, please reach out to the team!


VC launched a team in Taipei in Spring 2023. The team in Taipei connects local non-fiction storytellers with international platforms. We also encourage creators from abroad to partner with our members and take advantage of their deep fluency in Taiwanese society. We host screenings, networking events, and workshops in English and Mandarin.

Washington DC

The Consortium's Washington DC chapter unites the video journalists and documentarians of America’s capital and Mid-Atlantic region. VCDC gatherings are creatively themed and feature both local and outside independent talent as well as shorts from journalists whose outlets call Washington home: NPR, National Geographic, Vox, the Atlantic, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, and beyond. We alternate monthly offerings of screenings and workshops throughout town as well as gatherings in each other's living rooms––all with an emphasis on community, ethics, and craft. Most recently we launched a mentorship program to nurture the next generation of non-fiction voices. Come join us!