Rough Cut Podcast is back, and VCMX's Nun & Duss grant is open!

Nico Muñoz

Documentary - Film Director, Buenos Aires Argentina,
San Isidro, Buenos Aires AR
Available for Freelance
Open To Virtual Coffee
Documentary director dedicated to personal storytelling and helping others raise their voices.


In 2001, I graduated with a degree in documentary filmmaking and immediately began my career as a correspondent for Associated Press Television. During nearly 13 years of dedicated work and continuous learning, I have had the privilege of reporting from extraordinary places and interacting with fascinating people. Since I was 23 years old, I have worked freelance, gathering News and Features for Associated Press Television and having collaborated on the coverage and development of international and national projects for various broadcasters: NBC, BBC, ESPN, Aljazeera, Fusion, Financial Times, CBS, VRT, ARTE News, Olympic Channel, France 2, Spicee, Univision, CCTV as well as independent productions However, as often occurs with passions that turn into obligations, the immediate, competitive, and sometimes isolating nature of working in breaking news led me to abandon what could have been “an exclusive” career. I grew up hearing stories of war and conflicts about my uncle Hermes, who worked as a war correspondent for NBC. He covered events such as the Gulf War, Sarajevo, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Cuba. His experiences inspired me to travel and tell stories of my own, just like he did. As time passed, I gained more experience and realized that my destiny did not lie in covering wars and conflicts. My projects and concerns have always been related to social awareness, with a focus on making a positive impact on the audience. I began to search for the best way to use my passion and creativity to make films that truly made a difference. In 2014, my passion for stories pulled me away from the breaking news cycle. I then adapted my journalistic experience into a modern storytelling style which takes advantage of the often singular opportunities we have to get a shot that drives the story forward dramatically. As a Documentary Director and Director of Photography (DOP), I constantly strive to achieve artistic balance while creating social impact through my storytelling. Working out of Buenos Aires, Argentina, my projects seamlessly integrate teamwork and specialized expertise. I excel at navigating the intricacies of emotionally charged stories that require powerful visuals within limited budgets and timelines.