Rene Mauricio Panozo Montero

ProducciĂłn audiovisual, Lucano Productora
La Paz BO
Available for Freelance
Open To Virtual Coffee
Photographer, documentary director and Audiovisual producer dedicated to telling stories with impact and promoting social change.


With more than a decade of experience in the field of audiovisual production, he has stood out for his dedication to creating impactful and meaningful multimedia content. From his first steps in photography to his foray into audiovisual production, he has worked tirelessly to capture authentic stories and transmit powerful messages that inspire change and promote social equity. His professional career has been built on a solid foundation of collaboration with various civil society organizations, politics and international cooperation organizations. Through multidisciplinary projects that encompass various documentary formats, life stories, photographic campaigns and others, it has sought to give a voice to people from marginalized communities and raise awareness about relevant issues such as the environment, the rights of children, girls and adolescents, the development of peoples, social justice, human rights and sustainable development. His approach is not limited to visual content creation, but also extends to educational training and education. Recognizing the transformative power of media, it is committed to sharing its knowledge and skills with talented young people and emerging professionals, thereby creating a lasting impact in the field of film, documentary, audiovisual production and communication and development.

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Tejiendo Historias. Desde las manos de las mujeres Wennhayek

Descubre la fuerza, la sabidurĂ­a y las historias que emergen desde las mujeres Weenhayek, quienes comparten sus experiencias, conocimientos y avances dentro de la OrganizaciĂłn Orcaweta en Villamontes, Tarija - Bolivia Este trabajo se realizĂł en el marco del Proyecto de FormaciĂłn de Mujeres IndĂ­genas GuaranĂ­ - Weenhayek del Chaco, ejecutado por el Programa NINA con el apoyo de Broederlijk Denle.

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