Grace Galletti

Journalist & Doc Filmmaker
Brooklyn, NY US
Available for Freelance
Open To Virtual Coffee
Independent documentary filmmaker with a focus on mental health.


Grace Galletti is a documentary filmmaker and journalist with a passion for mental health because of her own struggles with depression and anxiety. She has focused her work extensively on the subject to raise awareness and overcome the stigma that has kept many, including herself, in silence. After graduating from UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism with a focus on documentary, she worked as an Associate Producer and Associate Editor at Citizen Film and has interned at Proximity Media and NBC Bay Area. She is currently based in Brooklyn and freelancing with award-winning filmmakers. Galletti was born and raised in France and also has a degree in environmental engineering from Brown University. She is a VC organizer for the New York chapter and a member of the Global Impact Producers Alliance.

Featured Work

How People (my dad) Get Sucked Into Conspiracy Theories

My dad got sucked into conspiracy theories during the pandemic, so I decided to investigate how this happened and what can be done about it.

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Hundreds of Alleged Clergy Abuse Victims Come Forward

Hundreds of child sex abuse lawsuits are hitting the Catholic church across California. To understand what victims now coming forward may be experiencing, the NBC Bay Area's Investigative Unit spoke to San Jose's John Salberg, who sued the Church 20 years ago after being abused as a child. Here's his story.

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Station 1

Firefighters are five times more likely to be suffering from PTSD than the general population. The Berkeley Fire Department is par of a growing movement using peer support to address this.

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