Christine Liu

Manager, Global Hubs, The Video Consortium
Los Angeles, California US
Open To Virtual Coffee
The dream is always to create and collaborate internationally in work that interrogates difference without fear.


Christine Liu is a Chinese-American creative who champions intercultural collaboration, exchange and understanding through storytelling. She has performed in front of audiences far and wide and organized cultural events within local communities that bring people together to widen their perspective on what's possible. Christine is thrilled to bring the care and empathy she's found from engaging with local cultures around the world and her passion for connecting people across borders to her work at VC, building community around a shared love of nonfiction filmmaking and visual journalism. What a joy to collaborate on such a global scale with storytellers spanning from Atlanta to Berlin to Taipei to Doha! Currently, Christine is touring a solo show she wrote about scarcity mentality, filial piety and mental health around the world.

Featured Work

View Invisible No More

Invisible No More

A channel for AAPI women and femme voices

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