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VC Event

Create Your Film's Impact Strategy in 4 Simple Steps

Design your film's impact strategy with four clear and simple steps and learn effective strategies for identifying impact opportunities.

Ani Mercedes, founder and CEO of Looky Looky Pictures, will lead a workshop teaching you how to design your film’s impact strategy with four clear and simple steps with clarity, ease, and joy.

This workshop is specifically designed for small doc film teams (including 1-person teams!)

You will walk away with:

- Clarity on the four simple steps to design an effective film impact campaign (even if you are a small team, or team of one!)

- Insights on how to effectively involve your film participant(s) with care and while managing expectations

- Effective strategies for not missing impact opportunities regardless of where you are in production now, or how long it takes to make and release your film

- Identifying the one most important thing (that no one is talking about!) in order to have an effective campaign that prevents you from burning out!

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